Upcoming Events!!!!


United Methodist Men

September 15 @ 8:00 am

Administrative Council

September 16 @ 7:00 am

Important Updates!!!

Celebrate Someone Special with a Timeless Gift!!!

Buy a commemorative brick from FOUMC! Each brick costs $120, and the proceeds will contribute to our Building Our Future fund. Forms are located in back of the sanctuary.

How is God calling YOU to be a part of FOUMC and our worship ministries in 2024? There is a need to help as an usher/greeter, in children’s church, and in the nursery. Volunteering even once or twice a year is a wonderful opportunity to be in ministry at our church! No experience necessary and you won’t do it alone. Please contact Pastor Adam for more information.

Four Oaks UMC Nursery Volunteers Needed!!!

Our children and families are an important part of our church and we want to make sure they feel welcome, safe, and comfortable whenever they are here. Part of that is having dedicated and caring nursery helpers. If you’d like to be a part of this important ministry, please click the link below to sign up to help in our nursery! If you have any questions, please ask Shannon or Debbie. 

Recent Happenings!!!

Youth CCC Mission Trip

Ready to Go!!!
Mission Complete!!!!

Ways You Can Give

Mail your check to:

PO Box 177

Four Oaks, NC 27524

Automatic Bank Draft

(Contact your local bank)

During Worship

Drop off using the Fellowship Hall Door Slot

Our Staff

Ryan Spell – Music Director