Wednesday Night Activities

Wednesday night activities include Adult Bible Study, Lectionary Bible Study, children’s JAM (Jesus and Me), choir practice, and Body and Soul Cafe (evening meal).

The Lectionary Bible Study is led by Reverend Adam Charville and focuses on the lectionary text for the upcoming Sunday’s scripture lesson. It and the regular Adult Bible Study are held in the Church sanctuary. Either one or the other is offered every Wednesday. 

JAM and Body and Soul occur on select Wednesdays.

Choir practice takes place every Wednesday (with an alternative practice immediately after Sunday Worship).

Times for Activities:

6:15 – Body and Soul Cafe

6:45 pm – Lectionary Bible Study, Adult Bible Study, JAM 

7:30 pm – Choir Practice

Please check the church calendar on the homepage of this website to be certain which activities are being offered on a particular date.