How to be a Marvelous USHER/GREETER at FOUMC
In His Service
Ushers and greeters will serve as a team of two: one usher and one greeter. The greeter will welcome people to church from the bottom of the front steps while the usher serves in the narthex. When the service begins both positions will continue with usher’s duties.
v Arrive on Sunday morning no later than 10:30 a.m .
v Magnetic Nametags are in the parlor (room left of front door). Place on the left shoulder side of your attire and return at the end of the service.
v Double check sanctuary While the pastor usually opens the church, make certain all is ready for worship service which begins at 11:00 a.m.
o Lights On (additional switches located inside entrance stairway).
o Bulletins are available on table located behind the back center pew and for handouts.
o Entrances and Exits are unlocked with the exception of the door that leads to the garden. ( Pastor will lock the side door leading to basement before service begins.)
o Offering plates are placed on table behind the last center pew.
o Heating and cooling thermostat is at a comfortable temperature.
o Check if the Igniter is working properly that is used to light the taper for the acolyte ( matches for backup and igniter all placed in the table in parlor.)
o Check the wick of the altar candles to make sure they are ready for a flame.
o Check if defibrillator is in place in narthex.
o If we do not have acolytes or a crucifer, place the cross in the holder near the pulpit , and light the candles.
o Test the elevator before service and leave a key in the elevator door. The elevator keys are hanging on a nail to the right of the parlor doorway. Be prepared to assist anyone needing to use the elevator, both from the sidewalk and as they leave .
o Safety Protocol – Roamer – the roamer communicates with a person in the congregation by radio. Find out who is on duty and familiarize yourself with where they are seated.
v Stand between the stairs to the balcony and the stairs leading to the basement, or to the side of the parlor doorway near the sanctuary. Try to keep the doorway to the parlor and the stairways open for traffic. The narthex is small and often congested with conversation – we love each other!
v Greet each worshiper cordially and welcome each person to worship by offering them a smile, a bulletin, and a mask if needed .
v Be cognizant of any newcomers and make sure they get a welcome package (in parlor) and help them find a seat. If they have children, explain the opportunity for the children’s sermon and the location and leader of children’s church.
v People arriving after the service begins should be seated as quietly as possible with the guidance of an usher. Do not seat late comers during prayer.
v Count everyone in attendance, including nursery, children’s church, balcony, choir, etc. The best time to do this is after children go downstairs. Record the information on the forms found on the table in the parlor and place form in the offering plate.
v Ushers always remain attentive to the service and alert to the needs of the pastor and all others in the congregation at all times. It is preferable for ushers not to bow and close their eyes during prayer, but to remain attentive in case of any emergency.
v At the Pastor’s mention of “the giving of God’s tithes and our offerings” ushers should proceed with the collection plates beginning with the first pews of the middle and sides of the sanctuary. Someone from the balcony will deliver the offering to the ushers. Plates are returned to the table behind the middle back pew.
v For the remainder of the service, keep front doors closed. If you wish to sit during the sermon, feel free to place the chairs that are in the parlor in the narthex.
v The Pastor and Assistant Pastor and one usher will exit the front door.
o The outside greeter is to assist with the operation of the elevator and the care of those needing assistance.
o The inside usher remains inside to say farewell to people leaving the service and help with the elevator as needed.
o Before leaving the building:
§ Return elevator keys to parlor
§ Turn out all lights
§ Heat should be at 65 degrees and air at 75 degrees
§ Lock all doors
§ Many times, people will linger in conversation in the sanctuary. Ask someone to lock up if you need to leave.
v COMMUNION – Assist in directing worshipers through the Communion line as directed by the pastor.
o Assist the crucifer making sure the IHS emblem of the cross is facing outward and is being held above the face of the carrier.
o Assist the acolytes making sure the taper wick is lit and remind them to ask Tyler or Adam for help if they have issues at the altar.
o Direct the crucifer and then the acolyte to approach the altar as soon as the prelude begins. Thank them for helping with the service.
o Crucifer and acolyte return the cross and put out the candles prior to the pastor’s benediction during the postlude.
Helping others and serving in our church is one of the best ways
you can express your faith. Thank you for your service!